Performance issues can arise because HR documentation is incomplete, badly worded or sometimes missing completely.
People perform better when they know exactly what’s expected, and performance management is easier to achieve if roles are clearly described. Totally HR will help you create clear and comprehensive contracts of employment, employee handbooks and job descriptions for new or existing positions, as well as other documentation to help you manage your employees effectively.
Totally HR will either set up all your HR systems or provide advice and guidance to ensure you keep all the information that is legally required in an easy to access, simple system.
We will review your documentation, policies and procedures to ensure you stay compliant. We also deliver briefing sessions to directors and managers to keep their knowledge up to date and ensure they act appropriately.
The specific roles and the requirements of your business cannot possibly be understood or anticipated by somebody creating a one-size-fits-all template. Using a cost-effective process we build all documentation from the ground up to meet your specific needs. We can provide a full suite of bespoke HR forms with your Company logo. These include:
- Contracts of Employment
- Employee Handbook
- Job Descriptions
- Application Forms
- Reference Request Forms
- Employee Details Form
- Holiday and Absence Request Form
- Sickness Notification / Self Certification Form
- Return to Work Interview Form
- Training Booking and Repayment Form
- Exit Interview Forms
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