Top tip for November… Give yourself a break!

It’s so important we make time to recharge our batteries during the day. When feeling under pressure at work with deadlines looming, mounting stress and multiple pressures, it can often feel that the only option is to keep ploughing on without so much as a coffee break. In reality we’re actually making things worse for ourselves, so as great employers, we need to develop a culture that embraces regular breaks as key components of the successful working day.

Although breaks might seem counterproductive, they can help to refocus our attention and make us much more productive as a result; in fact a 15 second break every 10 minutes can increase our productivity by up to 50%. Micro-breaks of between 30 seconds and 5 minutes can improve our mental acuity by an average of 13%.

When you’re struggling to find a solution to a particularly thorny issue, why not step away from your computer, stretch your legs and grab yourself a much needed refreshment. The change of environment, physical exercise and hydration might just be enough to generate some new ideas and help you to discover the answers you have been wrestling with for hours!

There’s no way to perform at your highest level without allowing time for rest.